Home EU South Africa and France work for promoting democracy

South Africa and France work for promoting democracy


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A French-backed forum to promote democracy among young people in Africa was launched recently in South Africa. This idea was mooted a year ago at a French-African Summit.

A French-backed forum to promote democracy among young people in Africa was launched recently in South Africa. This idea was mooted a year ago at a French-African Summit. Named the Innovation Foundation for Democracy (FIDEMO), the forum will be based at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. Cameroonian intellectual who floated the idea  -Achille Mbembe- is a member of the board.

The forum will create new tools that enable people to reimagine the relationship that is free, a relationship that is enriching rather than a relationship that holds back, said historian and political theorist Achille Mbembe. The NGO has been given initial funding of 50 million euros over five years, a sum shared by the main office in South Africa, two regional offices on the Continent, and another office in Marseille, in southern France.

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The foundation aims to revitalise democracy in Africa and to promote necessary dialogue between Africa and the rest of the world. It’s not a tool for the expansion of French influence in Africa, reiterated Mbembe.  According to a statement, the Innovation Foundation for Democracy (FIDEMO) seeks to connect African youth from all backgrounds at a time of common challenges for democracy in both Africa and Europe.

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