Home Central Africa Saleh Kebzabo news prime minister of Chad

Saleh Kebzabo news prime minister of Chad


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Saleh Kebzabo, Chad’s opposition party leader is the new prime minister. He was named by the President of Chad Mahamat Idriss Deby

Saleh Kebzabo, Chad’s opposition party leader is the new prime minister. He was named by the President of Chad Mahamat Idriss Deby. Earlier, Chad’s former prime minister Albert Pahimi Padacké gave his resignation and that of his government during an audience with the head of state, who accepted them, according to a presidential statement. He was appointed 18 months ago by Mahamat Déby. The resignation came after the Deby extended the transition time of the government.

Newly appointed prime minister Kebzabo was a bitter critic of the rule of the military council, particularly the deceased father of the current president, who died immediately after taking over the rule. Upon his death, his son Idriss Deby took over the government and formed a military council.

Recently, Idriss Deby said he planned to form a government of national unity as he extended his time in power by two years when he was sworn in as president for the new phase of the transition. The new government, he said, would be more inclusive and would have representation from various segments of society.

Kebzabo, leader of the National Union for Democracy and Renewal was runner-up in the nation’s 2016 presidential election and a fierce critic of Deby’s father — slain former President Idriss Deby. Idriss extended the term of the transition government to 2024, which was originally meant for 18 months.

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The central African country has been undergoing political instability since its independence. The country is steeped in debt and poverty. Chad ranks as the seventh poorest country in the world as per the Human Development index compiled by the UN. The Central African Republic got independence from the French on August 11, 1960.

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