Home West Africa Opposition leaders decry Idriss Itno’s continuation as head of transition government

Opposition leaders decry Idriss Itno’s continuation as head of transition government


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Chad’s national forum decided that Mahamat Idriss Itno, who took over the reins in the west African country in April last year after his father’s demise would remain in power during the 2-year transition period to elections

Chad’s national forum decided that Mahamat Idriss Itno, who took over the reins in the west African country in April last year after his father’s demise would remain in power during the 2-year transition period to elections. This was reported by www.trendsnafrica.com earlier, which explained the political situation in the country, which is riddled with internal factions and animosity.

There are reports that a growing number of political factions are getting disillusioned by the military rule in the country. The national forum’s meeting was boycotted by opposition members, leading armed rebel groups, and civil society organisations, and the Transitional Military Council which had ruled the country for the past 18 months, was formally dissolved.

There were repeated demands on the 38-old general not to extend the transition from within and outside the country, and not to run for the presidency in upcoming elections. He did not relent to such demands and demonstrated his intention to continue as the head of the transition government.  The forum also ratified Deby’s right to contest for the presidency after the transition, adding to the growing discontentment of the people.

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At the end of a ceremony lasting more than two hours, Deby reiterated his commitment to releasing prisoners of war in exchange for a ceasefire and their participation in the national dialogue.

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