Home Southern Africa Mozambique Promotes Setting up of Micro-Enterprises

Mozambique Promotes Setting up of Micro-Enterprises

Nhluvuko, an initiative financed by Mozal and managed by Gapi in Mozambique, has financed 17 micro-enterprises run by young people in less than six months entailing a sum of 3.9 million meticais

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Nhluvuko, an initiative financed by Mozal and managed by Gapi in Mozambique, has financed 17 micro-enterprises run by young people in less than six months entailing a sum of 3.9 million meticais

Nhluvuko, an initiative financed by Mozal and managed by Gapi in Mozambique, has financed 17 micro-enterprises run by young people in less than six months entailing a sum of 3.9 million meticais. The financing was granted after training and assistance in formalizing and managing businesses, which covered 82 candidates elected from a list of around 3,000 applicants.

Edwina Ferro, central coordinator of the Nhluvuko project, who shared this information, explained that the project was launched in September 2023.

The methodology adopted to implement the project is part of an agreement approved by the Mozal and Gapi boards based on the experience that Gapi has developed over three decades as a development finance institution.

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Ferro said that, after the preparatory work had been carried out, including the installation and operation of digital channels for communication, training, and the processing of financing dossiers, the pace of involvement of more young people would be accelerated.