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MOUs Signed Between Italy and Libya Focus on Healthcare, Agriculture & Capacity Building

MOUs Signed Between Italy and Libya Focus on Healthcare, Agriculture & Capacity Building

(3 Minutes Read)

The second MoU in the field of youth and sports will work towards Libya benefiting from Italian expertise in training national sports cadres, seeking Italian companies to build 3 stadiums in Libya

More details emerged of the three MOUs signed recently in Tripoli during the visit of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Melloni and several of her government ministers, received by Tripoli-based Libyan Prime Minister Abd Alhamid Aldabaiba. The first MOU, among other things, envisages establishing Libyan-Italian hospitals in the cities of Tripoli, Benghazi, and Sebha, establishing pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in Libya, and three dispatching Libyan medical and paramedical personnel to Italy to develop their skills

The second MoU in the field of youth and sports will work towards Libya benefiting from Italian expertise in training national sports cadres, seeking Italian companies to build 3 stadiums in Libya.

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The  agreement in the field of higher education and scientific research sets out the objective of joint cooperation with Italian research centers in the field of agriculture, implementing joint programs between Libyan and Italian universities, increasing the number of student seats on scholarships and sending  Italian language graduates to study in Italy