Home West Africa Minusma accelerating its withdrawal from Mali

Minusma accelerating its withdrawal from Mali


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The UN Peacekeeping Mission, known as Minusma due to leave Mali by December 31, is now conducting a sensitive pullout, which is termed as an accelerated withdrawal from Tessalit on October 22, then from Aguelhoc the next day

The UN Peacekeeping Mission, known as Minusma due to leave Mali by December 31, is now conducting a sensitive pullout, which is termed as an accelerated withdrawal from Tessalit on October 22, then from Aguelhoc the next day.

The speed with which the UN mission’s compound in Aguelhoc was ransacked by armed men shows just how strategic this locality remains for the signatory movements of the peace and reconciliation agreement. Some of the signatories of the 2015 Algiers accords have taken arms again against Mali’s central government, ramping up attacks against the army just like Al-Qaida affiliated groups.

Minusma seeks to avoid being caught in the crossfire but it has also suffered attacks. According to the mission, some of its convoys were attacked with explosive devices, resulting in injuries. Terrorist group GSIM claimed responsibility. Mali’s government has accused the Minusma of leaving a free hand to terrorists as the mission expedited its withdrawal.

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Minusma said it had been forced to destroy or decommission equipment such as vehicles, ammunition, and generators, in accordance with UN rules, because it was unable to take them with it. Such losses could have been avoided if 200 trucks had not been blocked in Gao since 24 September by restrictions on movement imposed by the authorities; a spokesperson for Minusma said.