(3 Minutes Read)
Agence Française de Développement (AFD) signed four framework agreements with the Government of Mauritius on the sustainable development of its Water Sector. The agreements pertain to a first-of-its-kind public policy loan in the water sector, amounting to €200 million; loan-related technical assistance worth €1,520,000; and a FEXTE (Fonds d’EXpertise Technique et d’Echanges d’expériences) in the waste management and circular economy sector worth €500,000.
The agreements pertain to a first-of-its-kind public policy loan in the water sector, amounting to €200 million; loan-related technical assistance worth €1.5 million; and a FEXTE (Fonds d’EXpertise Technique et d’Echanges d’expériences) in the waste management and circular economy sector worth €500,000. Furthermore, a Letter of Intent between the Deputy Director-General of Customs and Indirect Duties of Reunion Island and the Director-General of the MRA was signed as regards more exchange of information, joint controls, and training in the fight against traffics between the two countries.
The Government of Mauritius has thus positioned the water sector as one of the priority areas of its sustainable development trajectory, taking into account the diversity of related issues namely adaptation/mitigation, biodiversity preservation, and social inclusion, he underpinned. According to him, water can become a key element in the sustainable development of the country.
The Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development, Dr Renganaden Padayachy; the Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade, Economic Attractiveness and French Nationals Abroad, attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Mr Olivier Becht; the Director Three Oceans, Mr Charles Trottmann; the Director-General of the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA), Mr Sudhamo Lal; and other eminent personalities were present.
As regards the €200 million public policy loan, accompanied by the €1.5 million grant, Dr Padayachy highlighted that it aims to improve access to drinking water and sanitation for the population of Mauritius and Rodrigues. He affirmed that the project will align water policy with the Sustainable Development Goals, better integrate the challenges of climate change and biodiversity, and implement gender-sensitive, inclusive budgeting. This support is co-constructed between the counterparts using a global approach that combines sectoral public policy budget financing, public policy dialogue and technical assistance, he added.
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Through comprehensive, secure, sustainable, and resilient coverage of access to basic drinking water and sanitation services, the program will improve the living and health conditions of the country’s 1,300,000 inhabitants, establish integrated water resource management and strengthen the protection of biodiversity, he said. He also highlighted that it will reduce territorial disparities between Mauritius and Rodrigues in terms of access to basic services.