Home East Africa Electricity from Ocean Waves: Tryst of a Doctoral Student from Mauritius

Electricity from Ocean Waves: Tryst of a Doctoral Student from Mauritius


(3 minutes read)

A doctoral student from Mauritius working on electronic and electric engineering, at the University Des Mascareignes, Bhamini Sreekeessoon, is conducting groundbreaking research on generating electricity from ocean waves

A doctoral student from Mauritius working on electronic and electric engineering, at the University Des Mascareignes, Bhamini Sreekeessoon, is conducting groundbreaking research on generating electricity from ocean waves.  She is committed to finding a cost-effective solution to harness wave energy for local and national power generation. If her vision succeeds, the Island Nation will set an example for generating green energy from its most available source: Ocean waves, scripting a new chapter in the development agenda of the country, which is boasted as the most sought-after tourist destination.

Sreekeessoon’s work is currently studying the feasibility of establishing a wave energy farm; electricity generated from ocean waves. Academics say that it is an important step forward in the development of wave energy technology in Africa and her research could help to pave the way for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future for the continent.

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Ocean waves hold the potential to serve as a natural energy source for electricity generation. Power stations can be constructed and installed in the water to convert this wave energy into usable electricity. Her research has the potential to make a significant contribution to Africa’s energy landscape. Wave energy is a sustainable and renewable source of energy that could help to reduce the continent’s reliance on fossil fuels.