Home Pan Africa US assures support to Africa through AGOA

US assures support to Africa through AGOA


Deputy United States Trade Representative C.J. Mahoney  led the U.S. delegation at the 2019 African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum, held August 5-6, 2019 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. The annual forum, that provides a unique platform for promoting stronger economic ties between the United States and qualifying sub-Saharan African countries, which receive enhanced U.S. market access under AGOA throws up many strategies and new thoughts for strengthening partnership between the two regions.   

 “A GOA and the Future:  Developing a New Paradigm to Guide U.S.-Africa Trade and Investment” was the theme of this year’s conference.  It has brought together African and American government officials, civil society representatives, and private sector leaders to discuss current trade and investment relations and possibilities for future engagement.

The U.S. delegation included senior officials from the U.S. Departments of State, Commerce, Labor, and Treasury, as well as other U.S. government agencies, Members of Congress etc

Importantly Deputy USTR C.J. Mahoney and African Union Commission Commissioner for Trade and Industry Albert Muchanga signed a joint statement  for promoting trade between the United States and the African Union at the opening ceremony. The joint statement underscored the need for evolving a common goal of enhancing the African Union’s efforts to increase continental trade and investment under the African Continental Free Trade Area (the “AfCFTA”).  The two sides will work closely to identify ways the United States can cooperate on the development of the AfCFTA.  The African Union’s principal aim should be  to promote sustainable development as well as the integration of African economies.

 They will also focus with respect to the AfCFTA to promote a sound trade policy environment, regional economies of scale, and the increased flow of goods and services on the continent in order to increase continental trade and investment, as well as trade and investment between the United States and Africa. Possible technical assistance for capacity building will be explored as also activities that support partnerships in a meaningful manner

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