Home Central Africa Central African Republic’s new immigration law draws protests

Central African Republic’s new immigration law draws protests

  • Central African Republican parliament recently approved amendments to the immigration law.
  • The new law has evoked strong protests from ECOWAS nationals.
  • The immigration fees have been revised to 100,000 Francs ($110) for residence cards for citizens of the ECOWAS bloc and 50,000 Francs ($55) for nationals of Central African states.

Central African Republican parliament recently approved amendments to the immigration law. The new law has evoked strong protests from ECOWAS nationals. The immigration fees have been revised to 100,000 Francs ($110) for residence cards for citizens of the ECOWAS bloc and 50,000 Francs ($55) for nationals of Central African states. Nationals of West African states staged protests in the Central African Republic (CAR) capital, Bangui to denounce the new immigration law. The protestors condemned the fees as exorbitant and discriminatory and alleged that the authorities have demanded $708 from them and many have been arrested.

Many people from West African have chosen Central African Republic as their home, working mostly in business and retail sectors.

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