Home Southern Africa Zimbabwe’s decision to suspend stack exchange operations and mobile money transfer...

Zimbabwe’s decision to suspend stack exchange operations and mobile money transfer flayed


(3 minutes read)

· The suspension of Zimbabwe stock exchange and mobile phone trading by the government has not gone well with many stakeholders, who hold the view that it was an impulsive act and would have negative bearing on the already sagging economy

· Economists are of the view that the decision will create uncertainty and negatively affect investor confidence and tempo of businesses activities

The suspension of Zimbabwe stock exchange and mobile phone trading by the government has not gone well with many stakeholders, who hold the view that it was an impulsive act and would have negative bearing on the already sagging economy.

Economists are of the view that the decision will create uncertainty and negatively affect investor confidence and tempo of businesses activities. As reported by www.trendsnafrica.com, the Zimbabwe has suspended operations of stock exchange and mobile phone transactions on the plea that vested interests are using these platforms to create
economic hurdles and to the weaken the Zimbabwean currency,

Authorities maintained that the suspension was taken in an attempt to protect the local currency. The local currency has been steadily losing value against the US dollar. Many traders and banks refuse to accept local currency apprehending that its value would further erode.

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