Home Southern Africa “Zimbabwe Experiencing Rapid Economic Growth Despite Sanctions”, Says Minister

“Zimbabwe Experiencing Rapid Economic Growth Despite Sanctions”, Says Minister

Dr. Jenfan Muswere, Minister of Publicity

(3 Minutes Read)

Despite facing sanctions, Zimbabwe is experiencing rapid economic growth, according to Dr. Jenfan Muswere, Minister of Publicity, Information, and Broadcasting Services. He attributed this positive development to the strong leadership of President Emmerson Mnangagwa and Zimbabwe’s foreign policy, which focuses on neutrality and fostering mutually beneficial partnerships.

Dr. Muswere highlighted Zimbabwe’s commitment to working with progressive organizations like BRICS, which holds great potential for the Southern African nation. The joining of BRICS has so many, numerous advantages. Zimbabwe shares many historical ties with most of the countries in BRICS, and it can also be a platform for Zimbabwe as a country in terms of trade and also help the country in terms of industrial growth and many other advantages in international relations, stated the Minister.

The minister also highlighted the challenges posed by a global media landscape dominated by biased narratives, often fueled by misinformation and disinformation aimed at undermining African perspectives. A perfect example is the land reform program, which the government of Zimbabwe put in place. Zimbabwe had been a victim, a victim of a weaponized, procure and narrow Interests that seek to tarnish and demonize Zimbabweans, Zimbabwe as a country to achieve selfish racist goals, Minister Muswere said.

He emphasized the importance of media sovereignty for Zimbabwe, highlighting the need to counter this global media imperialism. Media sovereignty is very key in that African media strategy, he said. It should reflect the facts from Africa, should reflect the ethics, the ethos, the heritage, and the values of the continent and region.

Dr. Muswere highlighted the Zimbabwean government’s commitment to achieving media sovereignty in the country through various initiatives aimed at accelerating media liberalization and ensuring a technologically advanced and informed nation. He outlined the concrete steps taken by the government to achieve this vision through – National Broadband Plan , Smart Zimbabwe 2030 Master Plan, Community Radio Station Licensing, Tackling Social Media Imperialism and Data Sovereignty – Minister Muswere connected these initiatives to the government’s Vision 2030, which seeks to achieve an empowered and prosperous nation.

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For over 20 years, Zimbabwe has been under the sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union due to alleged human rights violations and a lack of democracy in the country. According to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the United Nations, the sanctions affected Zimbabweans’ access to necessities.