Home East Africa Zanzibar bans exports of food commodities.

Zanzibar bans exports of food commodities.


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In a bid to control price hikes and shortages of food commodities, Zanzibar has banned exports of all food commodities. Zanzibar President Dr Hussein Mwinyi has urged traders to immediately release food they have stored in warehouses.

In a bid to control price hikes and shortages of food commodities, Zanzibar has banned exports of all food commodities. Zanzibar President Dr Hussein Mwinyi has urged traders to immediately release food they have stored in warehouses. He further urged them to stock sufficient quantities of flour, rice, sugar, and edible oil as Muslims approach the Holy Month of Ramadan.

Dr Mwinyi, assured that his government will ensure that food prices continue to drop. Deputy Minister for Investment, Industry and Trade, Mr Exaud Kigahe stated that the government would continue to monitor the situation and take corrective measures like using the national reserves to ensure the supply of necessary commodities.  He attributed the price hike to a fall in production during the 2021/2022 farming season. Commodities like maize, flour, rice, beans, potatoes, wheat flour, sugar and cooking oil, affected by the shortage of rains during the agricultural season, recorded a price rise.

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Zanzibar’s President earlier announced major reforms to spur the horticulture industry to meet the demand of its population of 1.9 million and 500,000 tourists that visit the island annually. He also urged the agricultural ministry to tie up with appropriate stakeholders to boost the production of horticultural produce in the country to cater to domestic and export markets. An ultra-modern horticultural knowledge hub, the first of its kind in Zanzibar was also launched recently.

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