Home Southern Africa Zambia to promote quality cotton production

Zambia to promote quality cotton production


 (3 minutes read) 

The Cotton Development Trust (CDT), Zambia’s premier research institution is on a mission to better the livelihoods of cotton farmers and meet the needs of other cotton players such as the ginners

The Cotton Development Trust (CDT), Zambia’s premier research institution is on a mission to better the livelihoods of cotton farmers and meet the needs of other cotton players such as the ginners. The CDT, based in Magoye on the outskirts of Mazabuka District in Southern Province, is conducting various research activities ranging from seed selection to germplasm testing to come up with improved varieties and also various other research activities meant to provide solutions to pest management, soil problems and so on.

Zambia is now part of the international cotton advisory.  A breeder at CDT Martin Simasiku was elected as a member of the international cotton researcher’s association at the just-ended Seventh World Cotton Conference in Egypt. Both platforms give the CDT an advantage to take part in driving the cotton sector in the right direction through networks and opportunities.

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Currently, the CDT is collaborating with different organisations to spearhead the cotton improvement agenda in line with the government’s National Agricultural Policy to improve the lives of smallholder cotton farmers. The CDT is also collaborating with the International Trade Centre (ITC), the Europe Union, The Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States is a group of countries, International Cotton Advisory Committee and Solidaridad and others.