Home Southern Africa Zambia Imposes Restrictions on Maize and Maize Flour Exports

Zambia Imposes Restrictions on Maize and Maize Flour Exports


(3 Minutes Read)

The Zambian government has imposed restrictions on maize and mealie meal (maize flour) exports in response to an extended dry spell endangering the harvest

The Zambian government has imposed restrictions on maize and mealie meal (maize flour) exports in response to an extended dry spell endangering the harvest.

Minister of Agriculture Reuben Phiri announced the measure recently, stating that export limitations will remain until a thorough evaluation of the upcoming harvest is conducted. The government will continue to put the interest of the country above everything else. In this regard, it has restricted the export of maize grain and mealie meal, the minister stated.  He was delivering a ministerial statement in Parliament on the country’s food security situation following the dry spell.

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The government, he said, has since deployed defence personnel to guard all known smuggling routes, while security patrols and roadblocks are also being increased in districts prone to trafficking.