Home Global Ties World Bank lays a roadmap for internet penetration in Africa

World Bank lays a roadmap for internet penetration in Africa


 (3 minutes read) 

Africa is struggling to bring down the price of the internet. Yet, the road to a stable digital transformation is still long. The Bank says that it will take US$100 billion by 2030 to guarantee high-speed Internet access to all of Africa and an additional half million kilometers of fibre to cover the continent

Africa is struggling to bring down the price of the internet. Yet, the road to a stable digital transformation is still long. The Bank says that it will take US$100 billion by 2030 to guarantee high-speed Internet access to all of Africa and an additional half million kilometers of fibre to cover the continent.

To achieve this target, the World Bank implements the PRIDA (Policy and Regulation Initiative for Digital Africa) program, which aims to promote universally accessible and affordable broadband across the continent.

The World Bank in its recent report said rapid digitization will enable Africa to harness the full potential of its youth and attain quality and inclusive economic growth. Africa will have the largest share of the global workforce by 2100. This underscores the continent’s need to boost the uptake of digital technologies in order to create opportunities for more than 22 million people in the continent who will join the workforce annually, said the report.

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Internet usage varies in Africa.  South Sudan recorded a low of six percent, while in South Africa  53 percent of the people use the internet.  The Internet becomes a key factor in modernizing sectors like manufacturing, agriculture, and financial services in Africa.