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War of words between Trump and WHO chief Tedros


(4 minutes read)

·      Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General World Health Organization said that he had received death threats and racist insults while handling the covid-19 pandemic

·      It may be noted that some world leaders like  President Donald Trump had criticized the working of the WHO and even threatened that he would consider even stopping funding  the organization

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General World Health Organization said that he had received death threats and racist insults while handling the covid-19 pandemic. A native of Ethiopia and a former minister there, Tedros presently is heading the WHO and spearheading the fight against  the pandemic.

While briefing the press through digital media from Geneva, Tedros  said “I can tell you personal attacks that have been going on for more than two, three months. Abuses, or racist comments, giving me names, black or Negro. I’m proud of being black, proud of being Negro,” on a conference call from the organization’s Geneva headquarters yesterday. “I don’t care, to be honest … even death threats. I don’t give a damn.”

It may be noted that some world leaders like  President Donald Trump had criticized the working of the WHO and even threatened that he would consider even stopping funding  the organization. He also referred to the insults from Taiwan. Tedros also termed  the racist remarks made by scientists on French TV  as unfortunate and said such irresponsible remarks are uncalled for and belittling of the persons who are making such statements.

As reported by www.trendsnafrica.com, the French scientists were discussing the potential of moving a vaccine trial in Europe and Australia to Africa. Tedros said that the remarks of the French scientists insulted “the whole black community.” Earlier, Tedros  also did not take kindly to remark of President Trump calling Covid-19 as Chinese virus and remarked that virus did not have any place, colour or  creed and exhorted world leaders from politicizing the pandemic.

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