Home Southern Africa USD 3.5 Million by WB to Enhance Blood Safety in Zambia

USD 3.5 Million by WB to Enhance Blood Safety in Zambia


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In a significant move to fortify blood safety measures in Zambia, the World Bank has allocated USD 3.5 million to the Zambia National Blood Transfusion Services (ZNBTS). The allocation of funds is to support the rehabilitation of provincial blood centers, the establishment of blood hubs, and the provision of resources for blood mobilization, collection, and distribution.

In a significant move to fortify blood safety measures in Zambia, the World Bank has allocated USD 3.5 million to the Zambia National Blood Transfusion Services (ZNBTS). The allocation of funds is to support the rehabilitation of provincial blood centers, the establishment of blood hubs, and provision of resources for blood mobilization, collection, and distribution.The allocated funds will be distributed over the next 18 months to assist ZNBTS in its mission to ensure the safety of the blood supply in Zambia. The funding will be specifically directed towards the rehabilitation of 10 provincial blood centers, the creation of 20 fully equipped blood hubs with refrigerators, and the provision of vehicles dedicated to mobilizing, collecting, and distributing blood throughout the country.

The Zambian Health Minister Sylvia Masebo expressed dedication to implementing policies aimed at enhancing the mobilization, utilization, and accountability of health financial resources. Recognizing the need to invest in critical blood transfusion equipment, safety commodities, consumables, and outreach vehicles, Minister Masebo underscored that blood services should not incur any charges to patients.

The crucial role played by blood donors was acknowledged, and the minister encouraged them to continue sharing positive experiences and promoting a culture of blood donation. Gratitude was expressed for the World Bank’s support under the Zambia COVID-19 Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Project.

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The six donated motor vehicles were handed over to the Western, Southern, North Western, Eastern, Central, and Muchinga Provincial Blood Centers. The remaining four provinces are expected to receive four more similar vehicles in the coming months, solidifying the government’s commitment to enhancing blood safety and healthcare infrastructure across Zambia.