Home East Africa Ugandans Make Tapestry from Used Imported Textiles and Make a Good Business

Ugandans Make Tapestry from Used Imported Textiles and Make a Good Business

Ugandans Make Tapestry from Used Imported Textiles and Make a Good Business

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They sort out the discarded textiles, mostly denim, and create specific patterns by artistically cutting them and converting them to useful products for customers, particularly those passionate about fashionable designs.

The “Denim Jeans—Global Strategic Business Report” published by Global Industry Analysts Inc. estimates that the global market for denim jeans will reach US$74.0 million in 2023.

Meanwhile, tonnes of clothes were discarded by Europeans or Americans and imported to Uganda and some other African countries. That was going on for a long time. However, it is becoming a problem now due to the environmental issues being created by discarded second-hand clothes.

Fortunately, locals in Uganda are coming out with solutions. They are making a business out of the discarded textiles.  They sort out the discarded textiles, mostly denim, and create specific patterns by artistically cutting them and converting them to useful products for customers, particularly those who have a passion for fashionable designs. Such creative patterns are finding steady demand from artistically inclined consumers.

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In August 2023, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni famously declared that he was banning imports of used clothing, saying the items were coming “from dead people”. But those who are buying second-hand textiles do not think so. They feel that textiles can be used creatively and can make a business out of it. They are also exploring possibilities of exporting to other African countries the new patterns and designs.