Home East Africa Two industrial parks to come up in Addis Ababa

Two industrial parks to come up in Addis Ababa


The city administration of Addis Ababa proposes to construct an industrial park in the capital.  A 7.7-billion-birr agreement with two private construction firms, – Primary Contractor MCG Construction Plc, and TNT Construction & Trading was signed by Mega Projects Construction Office on August 23rd towards this end. The complex to be built on 94 hectares of land in the Akaki-Kality sub-city is expected to be completed within 24 months.

The industrial park aims to support small and medium enterprises in Addis Ababa through comprehensive industry cluster development. The park will host manufacturing facilities in sectors like agro-processing, wood and metal works, leather and garment, construction materials plastic, chemical, electronics, and pharmaceuticals. The 21 major buildings on the premises will serve as shade for manufacturers. It will also include four 4500 square-meters G+4 blocs and 4500 square meters G+0 blocs, and also 200 mega stores for input suppliers and product display shops.

The industrial complex will also help create 1500 jobs, support the city’s economic transition and save forex spending on imports by locally produced products.

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