(3 minutes read)
The Tunisian opposition leader Sihem Bensedrine claimed that she was banned from leaving the country. She is charged with complicity amounting to the criminal offense of falsification of a report her organization has prepared listing out crimes committed under the dictatorship.
The Tunisian opposition leader Sihem Bensedrine claimed that she was banned from leaving the country. She is charged with complicity amounting to the criminal offense of falsification of a report her organization has prepared listing out crimes committed under the dictatorship.
The Truth and Dignity Commission (IVD) was created in 2014 by Sihem Bensedrine. It was tasked with cataloguing violations committed by state officials between 1955 and 2013. Those were the presidencies of Habib Bourguiba (1957-1987) and his successor Zine El Abidine Ben Ali (1987-2011). The report also investigated the post-revolutionary troubles. The IVD drafted a voluminous report that was published in the Official Gazette in 2020. Ms. Bensedrine said that since February 2021, she has been the subject of a judicial investigation for suspected falsification of the report.
She is alleged to have received a bribe to add a paragraph accusing the Banque Franco-Tunisienne (BFT) of corruption, which she denies. She is banned from leaving the country after being summoned recently by an investigating judge at the financial and economic judicial centre. He notified her of indictment for obtaining unjustified advantages and causing damage to the state and falsification, on the basis of a request from the public prosecutor’s office dated February 20, 2023. She said that the measures against her were announced on 17 February in a newspaper column by a person close to the Minister of Justice.
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