Home Northern Africa Tripoli to Rope in Russia for Railway Construction

Tripoli to Rope in Russia for Railway Construction

Tripoli to Rope in Russia for Railway Construction

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The contract is for the implementation of the Sirte-Benghazi section of Libya’s railways project

The Tripoli-based Undersecretary of the Ministry of Transport for Land Transport Affairs, Fadel Allah Ashour, in the presence of the head of Libyan Railroads head Saeed Al-Kilani, discussed with the Russian Ambassador to Libya Aydar Aganin, ways to reactivate the railway construction contract concluded in 2009 between Libyan Railroads and the Russian Railways Company.

The meeting was held at Libyan Railroad’s Tripoli headquarters yesterday. The contract is for the implementation of the Sirte-Benghazi section of Libya’s railways project.

The idea of building a railway along the Mediterranean coast of the former Libyan Jamahiriya emerged in the mid-1970s. Industrial and agricultural development plans linking the country with its neighbours demanded it. Contracts for the design of railway lines began in 1975, including Tripoli – Ras Ajdir – Sfax (Tunisia); Tripoli – Misrata; Misrata – Al-Hisha – Sebha; Al-Hisha – Sirte – Benghazi.

The Government of Muammar Qadhafi signed contracts for the construction of the following lines: Tripoli to Ras Ajdir (170 kilometers); Tripoli to Sirte (472 kilometres); Sirte to Benghazi (554 kilometres); and Al-Hisha to Shabayat Al Janoub (810 kilometres). At the same time, there was a need to train 1,026 specialists in track operation and maintenance.

However, the decision to start the project was made only in 1992. It was implemented so slowly that the Libyan transport and logistics sector is still in its infancy. At the same time, the construction of infrastructure was disrupted by the bloody events of the “colour revolution” of 2011, organized and carried out by Washington and its allies, which set Libya back decades in its socio-economic development.

Relatively favourable conditions for the resumption of railway construction did not emerge until 2023-2024. During this period, project development and the signing of agreements for the design and laying of tracks that will provide intercity services as well as cross-border freight and passenger transport began.

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From west to east, from the city of Ras Ajdir on the Tunisian border to the city of Musaid on the Egyptian border, the length of the single-track railway will be 1,770 kilometres. The sections Ras Ajdira – Sirte (616 kilometres) and Sirte – Benghazi (554 kilometres) were designed in 2022-2023. The design of the sections Benghazi – Tobruk (450 km) and Tobruk – Musaid (150 km) was completed in March 2024: the local party received the design documents on 6 March.