Home Northern Africa Tripoli celebrated freed from militia of Khalifa Haftar

Tripoli celebrated freed from militia of Khalifa Haftar


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  • People celebrated in Libya’s capital Tripoli  its complete liberation from the militia of warlord Khalifa Haftar
  • The residents gathered in the city’s Martyr’s Square holding the Libyan flags and banners of victory and chanted slogans, particularly against Haftar
  • In October, after Turkey-backed forces of the Government of National Accord (GNA) based in Tripoli routed those of eastern military strongman Khalifa Haftar, the two camps agreed on a ceasefire in Geneva

 People celebrated in Libya’s capital Tripoli  its complete liberation from the militia of warlord Khalifa Haftar. The residents gathered in the city’s Martyr’s Square holding the Libyan flags and banners of victory and chanted slogans, particularly against Haftar.

The Libyan army announced the completion of the liberation of Tripoli, the seat of the internationally recognized government. This achievement was announced   late last week, much to the delight of the people, who are supporting the UN backed interim  government.  The Libyan Army managed to retake Tripoli International Airport from Haftar’s militias last week, scripting a strategic victory over Haftar’s militia. The Libyan army also regained strategic locations, including the Al-Watiya airbase and Tarhuna city.

Libya has been split between two rival administrations backed by foreign forces and countless militias, who are mostly mercenaries from other countries like Russia, Turkey etc. This has been the case ever since the oil-rich country descended into chaos after dictator Moamer Kadhafi was toppled and killed in a 2011 NATO-backed uprising.  .

In October, after Turkey-backed forces of the Government of National Accord (GNA) based in Tripoli routed those of eastern military strongman Khalifa Haftar, the two camps agreed on a ceasefire in Geneva. The security situation in Libya has been slowly improving since then. However, the UN recently warned that progress has stalled, due to slow pullout of the foreign soldiers. Russian mercenaries supporting Haftar’s side in the east of the country are still  there.

Turkey meanwhile has troops in Tripoli, which it claims is a part of the bilateral agreement with the government and are trying to sell the idea that  they are not affected by a request for foreign troops to leave. It is hoped that the foreign forces will withdraw in a phased manner since an uneven and sudden withdrawal could leave a military imbalance that could be exploited by the other side for a sudden offensive. Despite that Germany and the UN will keep up efforts to ensure the departure of foreign militants.

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