Home West Africa Togo declares state of emergency in northern region

Togo declares state of emergency in northern region


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Togo’s northern region faces threat from Jihadists. To counter that the government declared a “state of security emergency” in its northern border region. It has given the armed forces more flexibility to deal with the threat from jihadists

Togo’s northern region faces threat from Jihadists. To counter that the government declared a “state of security emergency” in its northern border region. It has given the armed forces more flexibility to deal with the threat from jihadists. It is reported that eight Togolese were killed in May in a northern town near the border with Burkina Faso. The attack is said to have come from Mali-based Al-Qaeda militants.

Jihadist groups are active in coastal West African states of Ivory Coast, Ghana, Benin, and Togo.  In a recent ministerial meeting, the government declared a state of security emergency in the Savannah region lying in the country’s northern provinces. These measures would last for three months and could be extended by the national assembly, depending on the situation.

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In a similar development, West African neighbouring state Benin in May said it was “at war” with terrorism after suffering around 20 attacks. It said around 10 of its soldiers had been killed so far since last December.  The government beefed up the military deployment in the north to protect the border. The other countries facing the threat of the Jihadists, who are having allegiance to Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (IS) organization, are Ghana and Ivory Coast.

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