- US has stated that it will not hesitate to use sanctions if the commitments made in the Permanent Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (CoHA) signed between the federal government of Ethiopia and representatives of the Tigray regional states on November 2nd in South Africa are not honored.
The US government has stated that it will not hesitate to use sanctions if the commitments made in the Permanent Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (CoHA) signed between the federal government of Ethiopia and representatives of the Tigray regional states on November 2nd in South Africa are not honored. It was agreed in South Africa that all the forces including Eritrea forces, Amhara special forces & Afar militia that are currently in Tigray will be withdrawn.
In a special briefing session on 15 November, a senior official of the US State Department said that the US has at its disposal as a policy tool, the prospect of using sanctions if the agreement is not respected or abided. As agreed by the military leaders of the two parties in Nairobi, the withdrawal of foreign and non-ENDF forces from the Tigray region would be done concurrently with the disarmament of Tigrayan combatants.
Also read;
The presence of Eritrean forces and the atrocities committed has been condemned by human rights organizations, including the state-backed Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC). There have been concerns about the omission of the role of Eritrean forces in the texts of the CoH agreement signed in South Africa and the subsequent Declaration of Executive plan signed in Kenya. Similarly, neither text have mentioned the forceful occupation of Western Tigray by forces from the neighboring Amhara regional state. The US government has been repeatedly urging for the withdrawal of both from the Tigray region.