Home Asia The Gambian Parliamentary committee recommends blacklisting Maiden Pharmaceuticals

The Gambian Parliamentary committee recommends blacklisting Maiden Pharmaceuticals


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The Gambian parliamentary committee recommended that the Indian pharmaceutical company -Maiden Pharmaceuticals – which supplied the contaminated drug, that resulted in the death of at least 70 children should be prosecuted and its products banned in the country

The Gambian parliamentary committee recommended that the Indian pharmaceutical company -Maiden Pharmaceuticals – which supplied the contaminated drug, that resulted in the death of at least 70 children should be prosecuted and its products banned in the country. The committee for investigation was set up on 26th October this year and submitted its report recently.

The commission also recommended blacklisting all Maiden Pharmaceuticals products and banning all its products from the Gambian market since they were convinced that Maiden Pharmaceuticals was guilty and must be held accountable for exporting the contaminated drugs linked to the deaths. After the ghastly incident, the Gambian government had withdrawn all cough and cold syrups in circulation in the country, as well as all products manufactured by Maiden Pharmaceuticals.

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Investigations have been launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) to determine whether the lives of the 70 children were ended prematurely by the administration of those medicines.  The UN agency said that the drugs contained unacceptable amounts of diethylene glycol and ethylene glycol, commonly used as antifreeze. They can be fatal if ingested. Ever since the incident, the plant of the company situated in the northern part of India was ordered to be shut down by the Indian authorities.

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