Home East Africa Textile park in Ethiopia will become operational soon

Textile park in Ethiopia will become operational soon


(3 minutes read)

·        The first Ethiopian owned Garment Park has started the construction of 14 sheds at Hawassa at a cost of two billion birr

·        Hawassa Textile and Industry Park has announced that it has commenced the construction of the garment sheds

The first Ethiopian owned Garment Park has started the construction of 14 sheds at Hawassa at a cost of two billion birr. Hawassa Textile and Industry Park has announced that it has commenced the construction of the garment sheds.  The former Awasa Textile, which changed its name to Hawassa Textile and Industry Park commenced operations three decades ago as a public  sector company.

During the early stages of the privatization process, the company was leased to foreign investors and later on fully privatized. When it was not performing it was controlled by banks as collateral until the current owners secured the facility. It is located at the South Eastern outskirts of Hawassa town. The factory will have a capacity to produce 14 tons of textiles per day when it commences operation in the coming four months.  Fourteen sheds that will be erected in 11,000 square meter area and will be ready for production after a few months.

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