Home East Africa Tanzanian Rough Ruby at Display in Dubai Before Being Auctioned

Tanzanian Rough Ruby at Display in Dubai Before Being Auctioned


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Burj Alhamal, one of the world’s biggest rough ruby from Tanzania, weighing 2.8 kilograms was presented to the public for the first time recently in a Dubai show

Burj Alhamal, one of the world’s biggest rough rubies from Tanzania, weighing 2.8 kilograms was presented to the public for the first time recently in a Dubai show.

Patrick Bellati, the managing director of the company exposing the record-breaking ruby said the rough Ruby from Tanzania is of 8,400 carats is purely natural bereft of any treatment. It will be auctioned in the next 30 days. Before that, the owners of the rare gem wanted to show the people the gemstone. It will be displayed at different places in Dubai.

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According to minerals experts, the greenish and purplish stone is expected to fetch US$120 million. Africa, Kenya, Mozambique, and Tanzania are the main ruby-producing countries. If the gemstone is not affordable for all to buy, visitors to the show are capturing images of the rare gemstone with their smartphones and share them with their friends and relatives.

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