Home East Africa Tanzania lifts ban on night bus ride in up-country areas

Tanzania lifts ban on night bus ride in up-country areas


(3 minutes read)

Tanzania has lifted the long-standing ban on night-time upcountry bus travel, as announced by its Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa in parliament.  He highlighted that the ban, initially imposed in the 1990s, was a response to the escalating number of road accidents and bus hijackings

Tanzania has lifted the long-standing ban on night-time upcountry bus travel, as announced by its Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa in parliament.  He highlighted that the ban, initially imposed in the 1990s, was a response to the escalating number of road accidents and bus hijackings.

The lifting of the ban comes after consideration of input from various stakeholders in the transport sector and improvements in infrastructure and security. Prime Minister Majaliwa emphasized the government’s commitment to promoting safer and more efficient travel options for citizens, noting that advancements in infrastructure and security measures have contributed to the reassessment of the night travel prohibition.

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The lifting of this decades-long ban is expected to have a substantial impact on the country’s transport sector, with potential benefits in terms of economic growth and enhanced travel options for passengers. The association of Tanzania bus owners has expressed their wholehearted support for this positive change, anticipating a boost in business opportunities and overall improvements in the industry.