Home East Africa Tanzania Has Unsold Teas

Tanzania Has Unsold Teas

Tanzania Has Unsold Teas

(3 Minutes Read)

Tanzania’s tea sector, through the Dar es Salaam Tea Auctions, has seen a decline in sales volumes and price volatility, with many lots remaining unsold by more than half

A mismatch between tea price and quality is undermining sales in East Africa, with the market recording its lowest price per kilo in three years. The Mombasa Tea Auction and the newly launched Dar es Salaam Auction continue to record low prices, influenced by factors such as global demand and seasonal changes.

However, the two markets have exceeded the international limit of 30 million kilos of unsold tea. Mombasa recorded more than 100 million kilos of unsold tea last year.

Tanzania’s tea sector, through the Dar es Salaam Tea Auctions, has seen a decline in sales volumes and price volatility, with many lots remaining unsold by more than half.

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Data from the auctions since November 13, 2023 shows a decrease in prices compared to the USD 0.77 per kilo offered for the 66,920 kg of tea, which remained a benchmark for price and sales volumes. Subsequent auctions show a fluctuating trend with the volume sold dropping to 6,994 kg out of 47,066 kg offered in the middle of this year.