Home Southern Africa South Africa Stares at Massive Unemployment: Expert

South Africa Stares at Massive Unemployment: Expert

South Africa Stares at Massive Unemployment: Expert

(3 Minutes Read)

Bernstein says she prefers to focus on the wider definition of unemployment – a situation where people actively search for employment but cannot find work. The truth is that 12.4 million South Africans who want to work cannot find a job.

Unemployment in South Africa is a much bigger crisis than the government describes it to be, says Ann Bernstein who heads the Centre for Development and Enterprise.

Bernstein participated in a panel discussion about job creation and sustainable growth at this year’s Money Summit, a finance and investment event held at the Sandton Convention Centre recently.

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Bernstein says she prefers to focus on the wider definition of unemployment – a situation where people actively search for employment but cannot find work. The truth is that 12.4 million of South Africans who want to work cannot find a job.

South Africa’s unemployment rate stands at 32.9%, but if discouraged work seekers are taken into account, the figure is 41.9%. South Africa should stop talking ‘loosely’ about creating jobs, says Bernstein.