Home Southern Africa South Africa Faces Double Whammy of Power & Water Shortages

South Africa Faces Double Whammy of Power & Water Shortages


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Residents across areas in South Africa’s largest city have suffered during the current heatwave as some have now been without water for over a week. The public water services provider Johannesburg Water says lower reservoir levels and increased water consumption are also fuelling the city’s ongoing water crisis

Residents across areas in South Africa’s largest city have suffered during the current heatwave as some have now been without water for over a week. The public water services provider Johannesburg Water says lower reservoir levels and increased water consumption are also fuelling the city’s ongoing water crisis.

Johannesburg Water said technical teams were monitoring all the affected systems and that outlets of the critically low reservoirs will be throttled overnight to build capacity, a customer notice added.

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Power outages also reportedly affected the Eikenhof pump station, leaving residents of Joburg areas including greater Soweto with intermittent water supply. The current water crisis began late last year but has worsened in recent weeks. Alternative water supply is currently provided to affected areas.