Home Southern Africa South Africa asked to mediate resolving Russian -Ukraine conflict?

South Africa asked to mediate resolving Russian -Ukraine conflict?


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· South African President Ramaphosa said that his country has been asked to mediate in resolving Russia-Ukraine war; the cordiality between Russia and South Africa started during Apartheid days.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said that his country has been asked to mediate in the Russia-Ukraine crisis, without revealing who made the request and how he would be mediating between the warring countries. It is significant that either Russia or Ukraine have not made any official communication requesting for the mediation by South Africa.

In the meantime, Ramaphosa said that he was trying to understand the situation that was unfolding between Russia and Ukraine and -with the help of agencies could help bring a solution to the conflict, if need be. Russia and South Africa maintain a cordial relations from the time of Soviet Union, when Russia trained the anti-apartheid activists during the cold war days.

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At the recent UN meeting, the resolution that saw the global body condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine, South Africa was one among the 35 countries that supported the Russian stand by abstaining from voting. In another development, the leaders of Russia and South Africa exchanged compliments on the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Russia and South Africa. The two countries, among other things, vowed to expand trade, economic and humanitarian cooperation, as well as joint Covid-19 response efforts in the congratulatory message.

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