Home East Africa Seychelles’ Tourism Readies Plan to Improve Low-Season Income

Seychelles’ Tourism Readies Plan to Improve Low-Season Income

Seychelles’ Tourism Readies Plan to Improve Low-Season Income

(3 Minutes Read)

The tourism department is planning training for the smaller operators for revenue management and will be organizing several programs during the low months.

To improve the outcome of the low season, Seychelles’ Department of Tourism brought together representatives from the industry to discuss an action plan recently.

The principal secretary for Tourism, Sherin Francis, said this event is one of the outcomes of the marketing meeting held last month. The meeting included presentations about statistics and market trends for visitors coming to Seychelles and one key point was the fact that the market trends were changing and evolving.

The principal secretary said the importance of collaborating as an industry and the key point is that everyone should work together, not just the government but the private sector as well, such as agreeing on some innovative packages or perhaps certain collaborative events. There should be follow-ups after this meeting.

She also talked about other plans that the tourism department is considering. In September, the department is planning training for the smaller operators for revenue management and will be organizing several programs during the low months.

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The Department of Tourism estimates, according to statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), that the low season in Seychelles for visitor arrivals will be the beginning of January, May, June, September, and the start of December.