Home East Africa Seychelles Tourism Board up its promotional blitz to attract more visitors

Seychelles Tourism Board up its promotional blitz to attract more visitors


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·        The Seychelles Tourism Board (STB) wants to go in full swing in promoting its tourism, the mainstay of its economy

·        The country consisting of 115 islands cobbled together as a nature’s bounty will promote its attractions in traditional markets like Israel, India, Russia, UAE, and certain Eastern European countries

·        Because of travel restrictions due to pandemic, the tourism sector has been in a tailspin causing its revenue to dip almost zero level in the recent times

The Seychelles Tourism Board (STB) wants to go in full swing in promoting its tourism, the mainstay of its economy. As a follow up of that, the country consisting of 115 islands cobbled together as a nature’s bounty will promote its attractions in traditional markets like Israel, India, Russia, UAE, and certain Eastern European countries, Because of travel restrictions due to pandemic, the tourism sector has been in a tailspin causing its revenue to dip almost zero level in the recent times.

Now, Seychelles reopened its borders to visitors from any country except directly from South Africa on to re-launch its tourism industry. While addressing a press conference recently, chief executive of STB, Sherin Francis, outlined the marketing strategy for 2021. She said that investing in some markets could bring quick returns   provided good air connectivity ensured and that travel restrictions eased.  She observed that Seychelles still has huge demand from the traditional markets – UK, France, Switzerland, Austria and Germany. But travel restrictions are causing undue hindrances for resorting to a full scale marketing blitz.

It is a known fact that the pandemic has shaved off 90% of the tourist arrivals, leading to corresponding decline in earnings and revenue. Therefore, the government has been compelled to take a calculated risk, having regard to the fact that 50% of the GDP of the country comes from tourism.  Fresh marketing efforts have been launched from March 25 onwards.

The focus is now on luxury and high value leisure, wedding and honeymoon, family and MICE  ( Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions)  to market the country to the discerning travelers. The high decibel marketing campaign will highlight nature, security, culture and heritage of the different islands of the country. The theme adopted for marketing in 2021 is  Creole Rendezvous will emphasize  green tourism. The expectation is that the campaign will have some immediate effect on the flow of tourists, leading to increase in air ticket and hotel booking.

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