Home East Africa Seychelles to obtain greater flexibility for US visa process

Seychelles to obtain greater flexibility for US visa process


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The US is moving towards providing greater flexibility to Seychelles in the US visa process stated the newly accredited American ambassador to Seychelles, Henry Jardin. A series of steps and procedures will have to be in place to attain this, first among these is a biometric passport. The new law enforcement agreement and other areas of assessment will have to be in place for this.

The US is moving towards providing greater flexibility to Seychelles in the US visa process stated the newly accredited American Ambassador to Seychelles, Henry Jardin. A series of steps and procedures will have to be in place to attain this, first among them is a biometric passport. The new law enforcement agreement and other areas of assessment will have to be in place for this.

Seychelles and the US will continue their collaboration in maritime security and social and economic development. Providing more flexibility for the US visa process is the top agenda, said the ambassador. The Ambassador further stated that individuals with an existing valid visa and seeking to renew, may not have to do an interview. The state department is looking at how they can do interview waivers for those individuals who have visas, have traveled back and forth, and have had no issues.

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During his meeting with the President, the Ambassador discussed how both countries can collaborate on areas such as maritime security, social development, and economic development, promoting and speaking about the issues of democracy in the region. Both talked about how Seychelles made greater strides in developing its democratic institutions and really being a model for the region, in Africa, and in the Indian Ocean region.

The ambassador emphasized the initiatives related to the Blue Economy and the blue bond, swapping debt for grants and programmes to help improve the maritime environment in Seychelles. Conveyed his country’s intentions to support Seychelles in areas related to the environment, and its economic development.