Home East Africa Seychelles records incremental growth in inbound tourism: Needs to diversify its markets,...

Seychelles records incremental growth in inbound tourism: Needs to diversify its markets, says minister


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Seychelles has seen a 6 percent increase in tourist arrivals in 2023 compared to 2022. In 2023, a total of 350,879 visitors entered the country, an increase of close to 20,000 visitors compared to the previous year. The highest number of visitors was from Germany with a total of 54,925, followed by France with 42,410 visitors, and Russia with 38,172.  

In 2023, the top tourism markets for Seychelles were primarily Europe, UAE, South Africa, and the US. Europe remains the leading continent with 72.8 percent of visitors, followed by 15.4 percent from Asia and 7.6 percent from Africa. Non-European markets make up 27.3 percent of visitors to Seychelles. Last year, there was an increase of 5 percent in visitor arrivals from Asia compared to the same period in 2022, with arrivals from China increasing by over 600 percent.  Leading markets from Asia are the UAE, Israel, and India, bringing in 69 percent.

Africa has recorded a total of 26,602 visitors in 2023, representing a growth of 13 percent over the same period in 2022. The main market was South Africa accounting for 35 percent of visitors from the region. Visitor arrivals from America are currently up by 8 percent with the US with a market share of 76 percent.

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 Seychelles Minister for Foreign Affairs and Tourism, Sylvestre Radegonde Radegonde spoke of the need for Seychelles to diversify its tourism markets and that work is already underway. Recently, the country put too much of its attention into one area and ignored the other, the risk remains that if something goes wrong in that market, it will be difficult to recover, he stated. According to the Tourism Department, the outlook for the first half of 2024 currently looks extremely positive.