South Africa is in the grip of a severe load shedding and it is expected that from this week onwards it may take a further turn with the power shedding timings getting extended from 9.00 to 23.00, which the authorities say would be the second phase of shedding. In a statement issued, Eskom said the measures are taken to avoid further trips and to create capacity to replenish water reserves from its pumped storage schemes. Eskom should have sufficient water in the reservoir and diesel reserves to limit load shedding in the week ahead. Eskom mostly run its power plants on water resources at its pumped storage schemes to supplement capacity. It can also switch over to Open Cycle Gas Turbines, which are powered by diesel. However, the power utility is not using diesel for the time being and would “conserve emergency reserves” for the week ahead. If the present position continues, the load shedding would continue for some more time. The impact of load shedding is mostly on households and small companies, which do not have power back -ups through captive power units. Unplanned load shedding is very common these days in Eskom because of the erratic supply of water, delays in replenishing the reservoir and due to a host of other reasons.