Home Southern Africa SADC calls for urgent lifting of economic sanctions

SADC calls for urgent lifting of economic sanctions


· Ahead of the second Anti-Sanctions Day on October 25, Dr Stergomena Lawrence Tax, executive secretary, SADC has called for an early lifting of economic sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe.

· Economic embargoes were placed on Zimbabwe by the West as a punitive action for the land reform programme.

Ahead of the second Anti-Sanctions Day on October 25, Dr Stergomena Lawrence Tax, executive secretary, SADC has called for an early lifting of economic sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe. She added that the new leadership of President Mnangagwa could have achieved more for its citizens if the economic sanctions were lifted.

Economic embargoes were placed on Zimbabwe by the West as a punitive action for the land reform programme. The Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (ZIDERA), was passed by the United States Congress in 2001 and in subsequent amendments, harmed the economy of Zimbabwe and welfare of Zimbabweans. It prevented the country from accessing international lines of credit and increasing the country’s risk profile. In an address to SADC citizens and the world, Dr Tax said that the economic sanctions not only deepened the suffering of Zimbabweans but also impacted the entire SADC region.

She pointed out that Zimbabwe has emerged as one among the top five reformers in Africa and top 20 improvers on ease of doing business scores in the world in accordance with the World Bank doing business report of 2020.

Dr Tax added that the country’s economic reform agenda, through initiatives such as the Transitional Stabilisation Programme (STP), have registered notable successes. On the political front, the repeal of contentious laws such as the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPA) and the Public Order and Security Act, demonstrate that the Second Republic is committed to initiating far-reaching political and democratic reforms. She reiterated that In li

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