- To cut down the traffic pollution, Rwanda proposes to invest in transforming internal combustion engine buses into electric buses.
According to the estimates from Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA), carbon dioxide emissions from road transport account for 13 percent of the total emissions in Rwanda with the pollution expected to go up in the coming years. Though buses comprise only 15 percent of the total transport vehicles in Rwanda, their contribution to emissions is projected to be approximately 40 percent of the total emissions from the transport sector.
The poor air quality of the capital Kigali has also become a grave concern to the government. To cut down the traffic pollution, Rwanda proposes to invest in transforming internal combustion engine buses into electric buses. Most of the buses in Rwanda is nine years old with lower fuel efficiency (9.2l/100km) and higher emissions (220 gCO2/km.)
Under the plan, the Rwandan government is trying to incentivise investors by reducing electric tariffs for charging stations to the industrial tariff level. Electric vehicle parts, batteries and charging equipment are also exempted from import and excise duties. The Rwanda Development Board revealed that bus operators and electric vehicle companies have also been allowed the use of rent-free, government-owned land for setting up charging stations. Additionally, manufacturing and assembling firms of electric vehicles in Rwanda are also offered other incentives such as 15 percent Corporate Income Tax (CIT) and tax holiday irrespective of the investment value.
Pearl Nkusi, Climate Actions Transparency Sector Specialist at REMA, said that the e-mobility programme, a key factor in the national climate action plan, is expected to contribute to an estimated reduction of 0.002 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent by 2030.
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