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Russia’s deepening friendship with Africa


Russia continues to strengthen its multi-pronged strategy across Africa, using political interactions and economic, security and diplomacy engagements toenhance its influence in Africa. After the end of the Cold War, Moscow did not attach much importance to Africa in Russia’s foreign policy. However, over the past five years, as Russia joined the global race for power, asserting its new international role, Africa has returned to prominence in its international policy.

In a recent development, Mozambique‘s President Filipe Nyusi signed energy and security agreements with Russian’s Vladimir Putin on Thursday during the Mozambique leader’s visit to Russia. By and large, the agreements include cooperation between the two nation’s interior ministries on information protection and a deal with Russian oil producer Rosneft. According to Russian News Agency, Russian oil giant Rosneft’s Memorandums of understanding with Mozambique’s state-owned Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos and the country’s National Petroleum Institute will cover cooperation on the development of offshore natural gas fields. Russia agreed to send military advisers to Mozambique in 2018, the same year Rosneft signed the concession contract. Mozambique also signed a debt swap agreement with Moscow in 2017. Overall, the agreements reflect the growing Russian interest in Africa as Moscow is looking to diversify its global ties and increase its influence in Sub-Saharan Africa.Mozambiquehas been on the lookout for suitable partners to develop natural gas reserves that could make it a major exporter of liquefied natural gas.

The visit by a leader from the southern African state to Russia is taking place after a lapse of two decades.   It maybe noted that Nyusi’s visit took place soon after his government signed a peace deal with rebel movement Renamo. The deal also comes at a time when President will be seeking for a second term in the upcoming elections in the country.

Bilateral trade between Mozambique and Russia stood at $115 million (103.7 million euros) in 2018 and recorded an increase of 25% over the previous year. “On the commercial and economic side our relations are still modest,”. “But we have good prospects.”Putin remarked after thesigning ceremony.  

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