Home Global Ties Russian Foreign Minister Holds Parleys with BRICS Counterparts

Russian Foreign Minister Holds Parleys with BRICS Counterparts

Russian Foreign Minister Holds Parleys with BRICS Counterparts

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The two-day summit held on 10-11 June comes ahead of a major BRICS summit in October when leaders of the member countries will meet in the Russian city of Kazan during Russia’s year of chairmanship.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held bilateral talks with his counterparts from Brazil, South Africa, Iran, Laos, Thailand, and Ethiopia on the sidelines of the BRICS foreign ministers’ summit in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

The two-day summit held on 10-11 June comes ahead of a major BRICS summit in October when leaders of the member countries will meet in the Russian city of Kazan during Russia’s year of chairmanship.

Iran’s acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri thanked Lavrov for Russia’s condolences after Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi and other government officials died in a helicopter crash in May.

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Lavrov confirmed that Moscow supports Iran’s commitment to “the continuity of our relations and the unchanging attitude towards the development of mutually beneficial cooperation in all areas.”