Home East Africa Rice shipment brings relief to Comoros

Rice shipment brings relief to Comoros

  • The people of the Union of the Comoros, an archipelago in the Indian Ocean heaved a sigh of relief when a ship loaded with 800-tonne of rice docked in the Indian Ocean archipelago was offloaded on October 3.

The people of the Union of the Comoros, an archipelago in the Indian Ocean heaved a sigh of relief when a ship loaded with 800-tonne of rice docked in the Indian Ocean archipelago was offloaded on October 3. The country has been facing severe shortages of rice that led to frquent protests and unrest.

The representative of Onicor, a state body that holds a monopoly on imports and trade in “ordinary” rice, the cheapest and most consumed variety stated that the arrival of the ship has brought rice shortage to an end. Soaring prices and food supply shortages had created a crisis in Comoros, that lies between Madagascar and the east coast of the African continent. The country with a population of about 890,000 imports most of its consumption from India and Pakistan. The shortage drove the government to introduce rationing with one 25-kilo bag sometimes for six families. Long ques in front of the distribution points were common sights.

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