Home West Africa Re-elected Angolan President promises to build consensus on political and economic issues

Re-elected Angolan President promises to build consensus on political and economic issues


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Re-elected president of Angola, João Lourenço, promised to carry out his work with commitment and responsibility for the welfare of the people.  Importantly, the National Electoral Commission announced the results of the election, which was the closest in the country’s history

Re-elected president of Angola, João Lourenço, promised to carry out his work with commitment and responsibility for the welfare of the people.  Importantly, the National Electoral Commission announced the results of the election, which was the closest in the country’s history.

As reported by www.trendsnafrica.com from time to time, the elections were free and fair. The ruling party-MPLA,-won with 51,17% of the vote against 43,95% for the main opposition party, UNIT, thereby having an. absolute majority in parliament with 124 seats out of 220, but short of 2/3rd majority, making it difficult to pass laws without the support of another party’s important bills that require that much majority. However, it may be noted that several members of the NEC refused to sign the final results.  The opposition contested the preliminary results, which already gave the MPLA the victory.

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UNITA leader Adalberto Costa Junior had earlier rejected the results, pointing out discrepancies between the commission’s count and the main opposition coalition’s own tally. His comments on the final results have yet to come.  Importantly, the announcement came a day after the funeral of Angola’s long-serving ex-ruler and MPLA stalwart, Jose Eduardo dos Santos, who died in Spain in July. With this peaceful election, coming close to another almost free and fair close election in Senegal, Africa has been witnessing a welcome return to peoples’ mandate.

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