Home Central Africa Presidential election in Chad on April 11: Incumbent predicted to retain power

Presidential election in Chad on April 11: Incumbent predicted to retain power


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·        Albert Pahimi Padacké, a candidate in the presidential election of April 11 in Chad, promised that if he wins the election he would do his best to bring developments into the country

·        Pollsters predict that  the outgoing Idriss Déby Itno, almost assured of being re-elected

·        To begin with, there were sixteen people in the fray

·         However, the people who had their own stand were either dropped out or the Supreme Court invalidated their candidature

Albert Pahimi Padacké, a candidate in the presidential election of April 11 in Chad, promised that if he wins the election he would do his best to bring developments into the country. In the meantime, pollsters predict that  the outgoing Idriss Déby Itno, almost assured of being re-elected.

Pahimi Padacké, was  Prime Minister from 2016 until 2018 However, Déby as president had the post abolished to concentrate in his hands all executive power.  Now, assisted by a fragmented opposition, he is set to sweep the election. If that happens, it will be sixth term he will be in the office as the head of the state in the Central African nation. He ruled the country with an iron fist since 1990.

There are only five candidates opposed to Mr. Déby in the fray. However, analysts say   they are either close to the power or stooges to give a democratic and pluralist color to the election. To begin with, there were sixteen people in the fray. However, the people who had their own stand were either dropped out or the Supreme Court invalidated their candidature. Some candidates   had announced their withdrawal in the face of “violence” by the security forces and the “militarisation” of the election campaign.

Mr. Pahimi Padacké,  calls himself an “independent candidate” and said that Marshal Déby would  be defeated, while his supporters, mostly young militants, cheered him. However, Padacke assured Deby that he could live peacefully in the country with all legal guarantees.  He was defeated by Mr. Déby in the 2006 and 2011 presidential elections.

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