Home West Africa Opposition in Senegal gets a shot in arm from the Court

Opposition in Senegal gets a shot in arm from the Court


(3 minutes read)

A judge in the southern town of Ziguinchor recently overturned the removal of imprisoned opposition politician Ousmane Sonko from Senegal’s electoral rolls, preventing him from standing as a presidential candidate

Lawyers for Sonko, who came third in the 2019 presidential election, said their client could once again stand for election in February 2024. In a statement published by news websites, however, the State’s judicial agent said that the State would appeal against the judge’s decision and that Mr. Sonko could still not be a candidate.

Sonko’s lawyers challenged his disbarment before a court in Ziguinchor, the town where he is mayor and where he was registered. This action was presented by part of the press as representing the opponent’s last chance to stand as a candidate. The court “declared Ousmane Sonko’s removal from the electoral rolls null and void and ordered his reinstatement, which should take immediate effect”, one of his defenders, Me Ciré Clédor Ly.

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The Ziguinchor district court ruled on the law and only on the law, there was no justification for removing President Ousmane Sonko from the electoral rolls. Mr. Sonko was found guilty on June 1 of debauching a minor and sentenced to two years in prison. Having refused to appear at the trial, which he denounced as a plot to keep him out of the election, he was sentenced in absentia. Mr. Sonko was imprisoned at the end of July on other charges, including calling for insurrection, criminal association in connection with a terrorist enterprise, and undermining state security.