- Home to 52% of the world’s remaining tropical primary forests, – Brazil, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo -are in talks to form a strategic alliance to conserve the rainforests. Dubbed as the “Opec for rainforests” the coalition proposes to submit joint proposals on carbon markets and finance.
Home to 52% of the world’s remaining tropical primary forests, – Brazil, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo -are in talks to form a strategic alliance to conserve the rainforests. Dubbed as the “Opec for rainforests” the coalition proposes to submit joint proposals on carbon markets and finance. It is hoped that the joint efforts will encourage developed countries to fund conservation, which is key to limiting global warming to 1.5 C (2.7F) above pre-industrial levels. The alliance could be a similar cartel of oil producers, coordinating over fossil fuel production levels and prices.
Statistics from Global Forest Watch disclose that Brazil, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Indonesia were among the top five countries in terms of primary forest loss in 2021. During last year, about 11.1 million hectares of tree cover were lost. According to reports, Brazil lost 1.55 million hectares of forest last year, three times as much as the second highest, the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Saving the rain forests of Brazil, Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo is regarded as critical to averting climate catastrophe. Brazil’s Amazon rainforest, according to scientists is dangerously close to a tipping point after years of deforestation under its far-right leader, Jair Bolsonaro. After the election of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, a flurry of work to prevent the destruction of the Amazon began. The rainforests in DR Congo have been in the spotlight recently with its plan to pursue oil exploration and development.
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Climate experts are of the view that such a deal could be a promising step forward giving due recognition to the indigenous people and communities as the three ecosystems are essential to the ecological stability of the world. The forest conservation proposals can be successful only by protecting the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities in the forests of Africa, Latin America and Indonesia, they say.