Home East Africa Number of Car Owners Goes Up in Kenya despite High Inflation

Number of Car Owners Goes Up in Kenya despite High Inflation


( 3 minutes read)

Kenyans registered 72,982 vehicles in the three quarters up from 57,978 in the same period last year, according to official figures.

The number of cars registered by Kenyans in the first nine months of the year increased by 25 percent compared to last year, despite soaring prices. Kenyans registered 72,982 vehicles in the three quarters up from 57,978 in the same period last year, according to official figures.

Units registered in the period to September this year are the highest since 2019 when the units stood at 80,289. The growth in vehicle acquisition comes at a time when most Kenyans are hurting from the high cost of living, increased taxation, and rising fuel prices.

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Globally vehicle prices witnessed a jump as a result of rising production costs that in turn limited those abroad from acquiring newer units and disposing of their used cars to developing countries