Home West Africa Nigeria’s Seplat Petroleum Development company co-founder retires

Nigeria’s Seplat Petroleum Development company co-founder retires


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·        Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Seplat Petroleum Development Company Plc, Austin Avuru has retired as CEO of the company. He is being appointed as a Non-Executive Director

·        Austin Avuru will continue to receive a lump sum payment equal to his salary, benefits and pension allowance till November 2020

Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Seplat Petroleum Development Company Plc, Austin Avuru has retired as CEO of the company. He is being appointed as a Non-Executive Director. His resignation took effect from 1st July 2020.

Austin Avuru will continue to receive a lump sum payment equal to his salary, benefits and pension allowance till November 2020. He will also be eli  he had been drawing before his resignation.

Austin Avuru left behind him a trailblazing career and will be considered as a good- leaver.  The company management and staff heaped praise on the good work he accomplished during his active association with the company.

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