(3 minutes read)
Forty organizations have urged civil society to demonstrate against the Italy-Libya memorandum during a demonstration to organise next week. If the memorandum is not suspended by the Italian government by November 2, it will be automatically renewed for another three years.
The agreement is relating to the life of thousands of migrant and refugee women, men, and children. From 2017 to October 2022, nearly 100,000 people have been intercepted at sea by Libyan coast guards and forcibly taken back to Libya, a country that cannot be considered safe.
The organizations are asking the Italian government to recognize its responsibility and not renew agreements with Libya. The NGOs are also asking to “shed light on the management of European funds financing Libyan coast guards.
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The NGOs promoting the event include the Agency Habeshia, Alarm Phone, Amnesty International Italia, Centro Astalli, Fondazione Migrantes, Intersos, Medici del Mondo Italia, Mediterranea, Medici Senza Frontiere, Open Arms, Oxfam Italia, Refugees Welcome Italia, ResQ – People Saving People, Save the Children, and Sea-Watch.